In office Treatments
The 2 mainstays of in-office treatments we provide are Forma-I (radio-frequency) and Lumecca-I (Intense pulse Light) These treatments allow us to target different components of dry eye. First, Forma-I allows us to directly heat the oil (meibomian) glands within the eyelids. This allows for the expression of stagnant oil that is blocking the normal function of these glands. Once expressed, the glands can return to normal function. Second, Lumecca allows us to treat inflammation by targeting the small blood vessels responsible for the inflammation. The combination of these 2 treatments allows for effective treatment of 2 of the main underlying causes of dry eye. This may allow for the reduction or elimination of the need for drops (both prescription and over-the-counter) to treat the dryness. Other possible in-office treatments include:
Punctal Plugs
Amniotic membrane
Scleral lenses
At home treatments
At home, a combination of treatments may be indicated. Depending on the type of dryness, the following at-home remedies may be recommended:
Warm Compress
Lid Hygiene with soap and water or tea-tree oil when indicated
Nutraceuticals like omega-3 and fish oil supplements
Over-the-counter drops multiple times per day to supplement natural tears
Over-the-counter ointment
Moisture Chamber Goggles
Pharmaceutical treatments
Varies medications can be used to treat the symptoms of dry eye some examples are:
Steroids to reduce inflammation
Antibiotics to treat high bacteria load causing inflammation
Anti-parasitic agents to treat mites that can live in the hair follicles and cause symptoms
Immuonologics (Cyclosporine, Restasis, Cequa, etc.)
lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) antagonist (Xiidra)